Recently, in a build server forum, a new NCover 4 user was asking how NUnit tests are run during a TeamCity build, because it appeared that the built-in test runner process, ‘JetBrains.TeamCity.PlatformProcessRunner.v4.0.x86.exe’, was not starting. The forum’s expert replied simply that “NCover 4 is… Continue Reading
Visual Studio Extension Overview
The NCover extension for visual studio 2008 and 2010 is a brand new avenue to view the code coverage data collected with NCover v4 Desktop. Here is a quick overview of some of the features you will see in these extensions. NCover… Continue Reading
Coverage Comes to Manual QA
For some time we’ve been increasingly interested in providing coverage data from manual testing back into the development cycle of our software. Until now it’s been a bit tedious to teach users and even QA engineers to use the old-style NCover 3 command lines… Continue Reading
Code Central – A New Way To Collaborate
NCover 4 has tipped the scale in favor of testing transparency. How many of us can unequivocally say we know which lines of code are tested by automated tests and how much that overlaps with manual testing? Worse yet, where are the gaps? Most development teams… Continue Reading
Easier Coverage of MSTest projects in Visual Studio 2010
We’re going to start posting tips and tricks to our blog. This is one of the first ones that we’re posting. Please let us know if there are things you’d like to see us cover in this series. Problem: I created a project to… Continue Reading
NCover 4 Desktop in 3 Minutes
Since we launched NCover 4, some of you have had some questions about how to get started. We are always looking for ways to make your life easier so we decided to make a short video explaining how to download, registar, and configure a… Continue Reading
Top 10 Facts About NCover 4!
#10 NCover 4 has 3x the flexibility — Desktop, Code Central and Collector. NCover 4 has been designed around where you use it, so you no longer have to force one standard code coverage tool into many usage scenarios. Desktop is built to make… Continue Reading
Refreshing Change
NCover 4 (NC4) is making life easier with automatic updates. With the release of NC4, NCover has turned over a new leaf in the planned development cycle. The world of agile development has been upon us for years, but the infrastructure to pull off… Continue Reading