I just got tagged on IM by our savvy team of rockstar devs with big news. Monday morning, NCover 3.4 hits the interwebs. Some of you signed up for the BETA and gave us great feedback. Others just sat waiting for the big day…. Continue Reading
We’ve Been Hard at Work…. Reinventing.
Our goal is to help you test your entire application life cycle (unit tests not required) without 14 different, complex steps. Here’s a quick update from the front lines of the NCover War on untested code. We haven’t been napping. We have been hard… Continue Reading
Creating code coverage reports with NCover
Sergio Pereira just published a great article on creating code coverage reports with NCover and MSBuild over on devlicious.com. Check it out!
Update From NCover Central Command (or someplace close)
It has been way to long (besides yesterday) since we shared some NCover perspective about where we are headed with the next few versions that we have rattling around in our heads. Sure, it’s going to be cool. Maybe that whole “better than sliced… Continue Reading
Quick Tip: NCover Explorer’s Command Line
We’ve had a few users ask about opening coverage files with NCover Explorer from the command line. It’s actually as easy as running it with the coverage file as a command line parameter. We also support opening project files on the command line. So,… Continue Reading
Introduction to NCover on Dimecasts
Derik Whittaker at Dimecasts.net recently published a screencast about NCover entitled Introduction to NCover, setting up for analysis. The screencast covers getting started with measuring code coverage for your tests using NCover and NCover Explorer and also dives into satisfactory coverage highlighting and generating… Continue Reading
We have found the missing Treeview control
Download the new version here. All’s well that ends well, but it wasn’t always that way. Since releasing NCover v3.2.4 we’ve had a few customers reporting a strange condition where the Treeview control was missing from NCover Explorer and sometimes the trend graph would… Continue Reading
Fast… gets FASTER!
Version 3.3 is faster and better than ever! With your help, we have created a faster product with a few really killer features. We love all of the feedback that we receive from our customers and we encourage you to send us even more…. Continue Reading