.NET Developers in Focus

This week we wanted to bring into focus two amazing .NET coders whose experience is as broad as it is deep. Keep up the great work Xavier and Mark!

Xavier Decoster

ncover_mvp_xavier_decosterXavier Decoster is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Visual Studio ALM and co-founder of MyGet, a NuGet-as-a-Service platform on Windows Azure. He dislikesĀ development friction and in order to make other developers aware of how frictionless development can and should be, he tries to share his experiences and insights by contributing back to the .NET community as a speaker, author, blogger, and through various open source projects. He has written a book, Pro NuGet, and has published articles on MSDN, on CodeProject and on various other web sites. He blogs at http://www.xavierdecoster.com and you can follow him on Twitter (@xavierdecoster).

Mark Needham

ncover_mvp_mark_needhamMark Needham has been around code for years. He has written product code in Java, C#, Scala, Ruby and 7 lines in Clojure! While he has experience in a wide variety of languages, according to him “the most fun I had with a language was when I was learning F# in 2009/2012”. He is currently working for Neo Technology – the creators of Neo4j, the NoSQL graph database. Never one to rest on only knowing what he knows, he most recently started re-learning algorithms that have been lost since university and modeling complex domains using graphs. Follow him on twitter (@markhneedham ) or on his blog http://www.markhneedham.com/blog/


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